Known Vulnerabilities for Solid Edge by Siemens

Listed below are 10 of the newest known vulnerabilities associated with "Solid Edge" by "Siemens".

These CVEs are retrieved based on exact matches on listed software, hardware, and vendor information (CPE data) as well as a keyword search to ensure the newest vulnerabilities with no officially listed software information are still displayed.

Data on known vulnerable versions is also displayed based on information from known CPEs

Known Vulnerabilities

CVE Shortened Description Severity Publish Date Last Modified
CVE-2021-41534 A vulnerability has been identified in NX 1980 Series (All versions < V1984), Solid Edge SE2021 (All versions < SE2021MP8). T... 3.3 - LOW 2021-09-28 2021-11-28
CVE-2021-41533 A vulnerability has been identified in NX 1980 Series (All versions < V1984), Solid Edge SE2021 (All versions < SE2021MP8). T... 3.3 - LOW 2021-09-28 2021-11-28
CVE-2021-37203 A vulnerability has been identified in NX 1980 Series (All versions < V1984), Solid Edge SE2021 (All versions < SE2021MP8). T... 7.1 - HIGH 2021-09-14 2021-11-18
CVE-2021-37202 A vulnerability has been identified in NX 1980 Series (All versions < V1984), Solid Edge SE2021 (All versions < SE2021MP8). T... 7.8 - HIGH 2021-09-14 2021-11-18
CVE-2021-34329 A vulnerability has been identified in JT2Go (All versions < V13.2), Solid Edge SE2021 (All Versions < SE2021MP5), Teamcenter... 7.8 - HIGH 2021-07-13 2022-10-07
CVE-2021-34328 A vulnerability has been identified in JT2Go (All versions < V13.2), Solid Edge SE2021 (All Versions < SE2021MP5), Teamcenter... 7.8 - HIGH 2021-07-13 2022-10-07
CVE-2021-34327 A vulnerability has been identified in JT2Go (All versions < V13.2), Solid Edge SE2021 (All Versions < SE2021MP5), Teamcenter... 7.8 - HIGH 2021-07-13 2022-10-07
CVE-2021-34326 A vulnerability has been identified in JT2Go (All versions < V13.2), Solid Edge SE2021 (All Versions < SE2021MP5), Teamcenter... 7.8 - HIGH 2021-07-13 2022-10-27
CVE-2021-27381 A vulnerability has been identified in Solid Edge SE2020 (All Versions < SE2020MP13), Solid Edge SE2021 (All Versions < SE202... 7.8 - HIGH 2021-03-15 2021-07-15
CVE-2021-27380 A vulnerability has been identified in Solid Edge SE2020 (All versions < SE2020MP13), Solid Edge SE2021 (All Versions < SE202... 7.8 - HIGH 2021-03-15 2021-12-10

Known Affected Configurations (CPE V2.3)

Type Vendor Product Version Update Edition Language
ApplicationSiemensSolid Edgese2021AllAllAll
ApplicationSiemensSolid Edgese2021mp1AllAll

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